Himalayan Red Rocks
Himalayan Red rocks are the most used gemstone in the world today. From making jewelry to fashion accessories, Himalayan Red is a fashionable and versatile gemstone that is a wonderful addition to any womans closet. The vibrant colors of this stone to make it a wonderful accent to any outfit.
In ancient times, the name Himalayan Red was used to describe this gemstone. Ancient Indians were the first to refer to the stones as Himalayan, which came from the Sanskrit words Himalaya (meaning high) and raj (meaning red). The word Himalayan was translated to us in the early 1900s by German photographer, Olaf Lambert.
The word Himalayan is an old term that describes this color. In modern times, the gemstone is referred to as Himalayan Red or Salts Worldwide. When this name was coined, there were no such thing as a Himalayan Red, only Himalayan Red. It is thought that this was probably an error made by the gemstones manufacturer.
When the Roman Empire was formed, Romans brought this stone with them and called it Parian. Then it was referred to as Amethyst or Astarte. The Greeks named it Oreifera.
The Grecian Greeks created the name Himalayan for this red gemstone, and the Sanskrit word Himalaya (meaning high) was also used to refer to the stone. The name was translated into English when it was created by the German photographer, Olaf Lambert.
A name was also created for the Himalayan Red gemstone. This was called Kashmir Red. The word Kashmir refers to the pinkish red color of the stone.
Other names have been given to this stone, including: Tibet Red, Tarim Red, India Red, Red Rock, and Sunstone. Himalayan Red is very popular in the highlands of India, as well as in Tibet. The gemstone is also found in other parts of the world, including Morocco, the Philippines, and Burma.
In the Himalayas, Himalayan Red stones are abundant. The stones are naturally found and mined only in small quantities.
The stones can be mined in a variety of ways, including: CZT, Cobalt Zirconium Oxides, Beryllium Oxide, and Arsenic-lead Indium-zirconium alloying. The rocks found in these mines can range in color from purplish to a deep, rich pink.
Himalayan Red is a beautiful gemstone. The beauty is not limited to the color, however. The stones can be cut to a wide variety of colors.
In addition to being one of the strongest natural gemstones, Himalayan Red stones are durable. Some specimens have stood up to the test of time, such as pieces that have had their colors enhanced through chemical compounds, including nitrate, copper sulfate, and iron phosphate.
The name Himalayan is somewhat misleading, as the stone comes from the Himalayan Mountains. Rather than originating in the mountains, the stone is mined in Russia, the United States, and a few other countries.