Facebook Messenger Bots are changing the online marketing game today. They’ve revolutionized the advertising game, to say the least. And they wield huge, tremendous power for any company you’re in. If you want your company to get to where it should be, then you need one of these Facebook chatbot products, like the Facebook Messenger Bot.
We’ve all heard the rumors about how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met his wife, but did you know that he met her using a bot? A bot, for those of you in the know. The bot was created for Facebook by two Harvard students, Dustin Moskovitz and Brian Campbell. They received an award from Harvard University for their invention, and used it to create one of the biggest and most successful companies in the world: Facebook. Now they’re hoping to help others with their software. The Facebook messenger bot promises to change all that.
Currently, bots are great for helping businesses connect with their customers. It’s a fantastic way for them to make sure that their clients have a better experience signing up with them, or using the Facebook platform to interact with their own companies. Customer service is important, and the bot helps businesses ensure that their customers have great customer experience.
But bots can do much more. In fact, they allow you to create custom online applications that don’t even require a website. Bots can do everything from posting messages on your wall to actually interacting with your user base. Bots can post your welcome message, respond to messages, send private messages to your entire team, broadcast events to everyone on your team, play games, and the works. What’s more, this functionality can be built into the messenger itself. Bots are just as convenient as real people in many ways.
But what if you need a Facebook application that doesn’t just connect you to your existing business? You could easily do it yourself with one of the many chatbot solutions available today. Bots make it easy for you to create your own application that connects you directly to Facebook. Bots use the same technology as Facebook’s own apps, and they’re written in Java. With a chatbot solution, you’ll be able to easily create an amazing variety of applications, some of which will run on Facebook itself.
Not only is the bot convenient for connecting you with your clients, but chatbots can also give you a real competitive edge. When you have a bot, you can easily promote your company and reach a lot more people than you could if you were simply using the Facebook desktop service. Chatbots not only save time, they save money. If you’re tired of answering calls and sending messages, let the bot do it for you.
As chat Bots become more popular, businesses will start to use bots to handle their customer service. Chat bots are great because they take a lot of the manual work out of customer service. A lot of the job that used to be done by a human customer service representative can now be done by a bot. These bots can even make suggestions about things that may be causing your customers to have a problem, making it less difficult for you to handle customer service issues.
One of the most widely used bots today is Facebook Hootsuite. The Hootsuite bot is great for automating several different tasks for your Facebook account. It can provide you with a huge range of features such as posting Facebook status updates, posting links to your blog, and posting photos and videos to your wall. But the most important feature is the handoff protocol that allows you to easily use Bots to do these tasks. When you bot gets a message, it forwards the message to your Facebook Hootsuite inbox. Then you can go ahead and handle any of the problems that Bot encountered.